Find Your Freedom With a Surety Bond:
Don’t put up a huge amount of cash for your bond — call at Bail Bonds to arrange a surety bond and pay a reasonable premium on your bond. We offer free consultations and we’re available 24/7.
Set Up Your Surety Bond Today
For those new to the surety industry, a surety bond is essentially a contract between three parties—the principal (you), the surety (the insurance company writing the bond), and the obligee (the entity requiring the bond)—in which the surety financially guarantees to an obligee that the principal will act in accordance with the terms of the bond. A surety bond can be set up with the signature of a trusted friend or family member or a piece of property set up as collateral in order to ensure that the defendant will show up in court. Instructed when it comes to setting up a surety bond to bail you out of jail, make sure you bring your concerns to a bonding service you can trust. As members of the blabla Surety Bail Agents Association, Bail Bonds provides you with the 110 Sprucewood, San Antonio, Texas-78216-6739 best in surety bond services.